At The Dance Haven we are committed to offering a dance education for aspiring students to learn and grow in a safe place without distraction .
We are excited to have our students join and share in your excitement. Naturally, all you want to do is watch your child progress and snap those adorable photos of them. We will do that for you! With over 25 years experience and high recommendations from clients over the years you can assure we have our students best interest at heart.
We will post videos, share pictures throughout the season and we will communicate with parents before and after classes begin at drop off. Just as they do in school.
Why viewing is closed in our studios.
1. It makes most other students uncomfortable.
While your child might be okay with you peeking other children may react in a different way. We are dealing with all types of personalities in one room, and to make sure all of the students feel comfortable enough to express themselves, is one of our top priorities. In the mindset of kids, they even sometimes feel intimidated when being viewed if not ready, especially for newer students.
2. They learn independence in a safe environment.
This is especially true and beneficial for the pre-level classes. It is important to teach kids that mom/Dad or caregiver will drop you off for class, and be back when class is finished and this is a safe thing to do. This helps them to explore what it is like to be on their own, but obviously still safe with a teacher and surrounding staff. They can make decisions on their own in class, without looking over their shoulder for approval.
3. You lose the element of surprise!
If you are constantly watching the classes every time your child is training, you lose the great element of surprise. There is nothing more thrilling than watching the videos or dress rehearsal and recital, and seeing your child complete all of these amazing steps and tricks.
4. It is distracting.
There is always going to be someone who forgot to turn their phones off, or will whisper or snide at a comment. As a teacher, all of those things that happen in a small group of observing people are bound to happen
Or someone has to use the bathroom in the middle of class. It just gets messy, unprofessional, and unethical for a dance class.
5. Minimize Outside Critique
We are professionals that hold all of our students in highest regard and want them to excel at their own pace. We encourage, instruct with care and have spent years studying our craft. Trust in us that we want all of our students to have a positive experience so that we can build their confidence and find joy in learning to dance.
We believe that this is the best way to build a positive environment as well as an ethical and professional route to handling a dance class and growing a technically sound team of dancers.